Welcome to Skatin’ Place – Your Ultimate Family Fun Skating and Entertainment Destination in St. Cloud! Their facility caters to families looking for a fun and safe environment to enjoy a range of activities. They offer a roller skating rink, laser tag arena, bounce area, and full video arcade. Refuel with delicious food and drinks from the snack bar, and check out our exciting events and party packages.
Their top priority is the safety of our patrons, and they strictly enforce our rules and regulations. They acknowledge that accidents can happen in skating and that occasional contact between skaters is normal. By entering their premises, you voluntarily assume the risk of injury and agree to comply with all their policies.
- Toe stops or dance plugs are required for skates.
- To prevent damage to the floor, your personal skates are subject to inspection. Be prepared to rent if your skates are dirty or damaged.
- No smoking in the building, and no smoking on the property by a minor. Including e-cigarettes.
- No gum chewing in the building by anyone.
- No In and Out privileges.
- No intoxication of any kind.
- No food or beverage may be brought in to the building, with the exception of a store bought birthday cake with a scheduled party package.
- We charge admission for everyone entering the building, with the exception of children under 2, and parents who are not skating.
- Keyed lockers are available. Coats and shoes are not permitted in the Snack Bar area. They are not responsible for lost or stolen item.
- Foul language will not be tolerated and will result in expulsion from the rink.
- Caution! We use a water-based fog system and special effect lighting including strobe lights.
Neatness and cleanliness of all patrons is required. No clothing that could be considered distasteful to our family environment will be allowed.
- No bare feet. Socks are required for skate rental. They do have socks for sale.
- Hats, scarves, bandannas, or headwear may be worn when skating but must be tight fitted. Helmets are permitted.
- No loose clothing that might get caught in the wheels, or trip the skater. Clothing must be proper fitting.
- Anyone who does not practice safe skating may be asked to leave.
- No pushing, tripping or playing tag.
- No fast skating, faster than the average flow of traffic, and in a manner hazardous to other skaters.
- No squatting except during a designated special skate.
- No stopping along the wall. Skaters must attempt to keep moving at all times.
- No eating or drinking over the half wall surrounding the skating surface, or on the skating floor.
- No sitting on or climbing over the half wall surrounding the skating floor.
- No climbing or sitting on the corner stages.
- Jumps, spins, or dancing are to kept to the center of the floor, and at the discretion of management.